April 01, 2008

Time Left...


Time Left...
~by Wayne E. Lawton~

What will I do with the time that's left?
Will I squander it all on life’s little pleasures,
Or, maybe still seek to accumulate treasures?
Selfish temptations try to capture my zeal
While oversea’s travels lend their appeal.
I might wine and dine fair maidens a-plenty
And end up at Judgment with a soul that's on empty.

Then the Spirit speaks in soft, gentle tones,
“Remember, Son, you're not really your own:
You’ve been bought at a price on Calvary's tree
‘Twas the Savior's shed blood that set you free
From the bondage of sin and hell forever;
The cost was nothing to you, but think of the Giver:
His life He laid down freely—for all.
Please stop and think, do you not hear His call?”

I wrestled a while, I must confess, 'ere I gave the Lord His way.
“Old habits die hard” we know, but why do I still delay?
It's my stubborn will, my pride, my gall that holds me captive now.
My mind says Yes; my heart says NO. A battle is raging—wow!
If only I dared go all the way with Jesus the Crucified,
I really believe my life would be great; no more would I try to hide.

This thought prevails: my agenda seems very selfish to me.
It must be His agenda: that really is the key
To my peace now and eternal destiny!
“Lord, I give You what’s left of my strength and my days.
I really was wrong; it's my yielding that pays.
Forgive me, O Father; I was selfish, I know”
I realize at last that we reap what we sow!

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Je suis...

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基督徒。12歲時讀了安徒生的傳記後取他的first name "Hans"做英文名字,信主成為基督徒(Christian)後有朋友以安徒生的本名Hans Christian Andersen稱呼我。我的法文名字叫François,"自由"之意, 取自法國名導演楚浮(François Truffaut)。 畢業於文藻外語學院。目前從事GoodTV的影視翻譯工作。在學期間主修中英筆譯與口譯(逐步口譯與同步口譯),同時學習韓文,義大利文與葡萄牙文。除目前會中文,台語,英文,日文與法文外,很有野心想精通所學的這幾種語言。有更大的野心要學/精通德文,西班牙文,荷蘭文,甚至更多。願以神這般的恩賜服事祂,因若沒有祂,我就算不得什麼。感謝主!有祂的人生真的太棒了!我英文名字"Hans"的意思就是"神是滿有恩典的"。因此信主至今我對生命最大的體會就是La Vie est Belle - 生命是美麗的!