January 07, 2011



Zigeunerweisen, thy name is Melancholy.
Thy melody, dismal and misereable, yet fair as jewelry.
Sorrow is thine, dolor is mine
In moments when my heart beats tearfully,
Zigeunerweisen, thou know me…
What understanding friend thou be,
Whilst few take interest in understanding me.
Incapability of being blithe and jolly accompanies me,
In such solitude that surrounds the solitary me,
Thou mark me, thy presence giveth forlorn glee.
Whilst thou art astray,
Wandering from starless night to the unfeeling light of day,
Whilst solitude followeth thee all the way,
With thy loneliness understood by the oh so lonely me,
Will thy heart again be gay?
Will thy melody forsake heartbreaking elegy of solitude,
Again take wings and soar to thy heart’s content in the heavens,
Yet meanwhile constantly with me,
Thy solitary friend, whispering by my ears thy little sonnets?
Zigeunerweisen, thou know me, and I know thee…

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基督徒。12歲時讀了安徒生的傳記後取他的first name "Hans"做英文名字,信主成為基督徒(Christian)後有朋友以安徒生的本名Hans Christian Andersen稱呼我。我的法文名字叫François,"自由"之意, 取自法國名導演楚浮(François Truffaut)。 畢業於文藻外語學院。目前從事GoodTV的影視翻譯工作。在學期間主修中英筆譯與口譯(逐步口譯與同步口譯),同時學習韓文,義大利文與葡萄牙文。除目前會中文,台語,英文,日文與法文外,很有野心想精通所學的這幾種語言。有更大的野心要學/精通德文,西班牙文,荷蘭文,甚至更多。願以神這般的恩賜服事祂,因若沒有祂,我就算不得什麼。感謝主!有祂的人生真的太棒了!我英文名字"Hans"的意思就是"神是滿有恩典的"。因此信主至今我對生命最大的體會就是La Vie est Belle - 生命是美麗的!